Big data! Do you have your small data in place?

By Anders Björklund

Big data! Do you have your small data in place?

I am so tired of the buzz around big data. And I do not understand why B2B companies and their decision makers are so stressed and talk so much about big data when they do not even have their small data in place. 

Small data is about people and everything around us.

Online interactions are filled with small data that is ready to be collected to inform you about purchase behaviour and buying journeys. People are continually creating small data when they, e.g. check-in, download, search, post, and browse. Everything we do online is creating our unique footprint, providing a glimpse into our online behaviour and patterns.

Small data is the core of CRM and is what can be used to create a complete picture of someone and their preferences by, for instance, combining insights from social media and our campaigns with analytics and transactions. Small data is still the primary key to building better contact cards and profiles–which in turn are the keys for becoming relevant and personal in how you communicate and treat your customers.

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Most companies that I have full insight into have two straightforward tasks to solve:

  • Make sure that you have one contact card per individual, i.e. store everything per individual.
  • Make sure that the email address is the key component. 

They say that they prioritise their customers, but they do not even have email addresses to all buying individuals in their customer companies within their CRM-systems. Having an email address to each customer and prospect is the right data to prioritise before even attempting to grasp how to utilise big data and machine learning.  

Moreover, you don't need to be a data scientist to grasp and use small data as a natural way of working. It's mostly about habits.

And if you do have a legal basis for interacting with your contacts, you do have the permission to be relevant and personal.

Want some 1-1 advice on how to use small data as a natural way of working? Feel free to book a free consultation with me.


Anders Björklund
Founder, CEO & Strategist since 2001. Anders provides thoughts and reflections about how to think about onlinification and digitalisation in B2B.
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